Where Innocence and Joy Reside

Archive for July, 2014

Inspiring Urban (Rental) Homestead in the Desert

sharing from a post by Laura Bruno, thanks Laura! Since i have moved to the desert this post came at a really great time for me since I want to begin to learn how I can do an organic garden. It will be my first time trying my hand at gardening and with the challenges of where I live, it offers some ingenious ideas. Loving it!!

Laura Bruno's Blog

Urban Homestead Grows Fruits, Vegetables & Animals in the Desert

John Kohler visits and tours a Las Vegas rental property, sharing tons of clever ideas for growing in less than ideal climate and circumstances. I cannot believe how much food this guy has growing in a small place! Whenever I’ve visited Las Vegas, I’ve felt assaulted by the arid heat. This little duplex must feel like a complete oasis in the desert, and you’d never know how much he has going on there just looking at the front of the house. Definitely worth a watch if you live in the desert or somewhere “too hot to grow anything.” I enjoyed it even though I no longer live in the desert, in part because I once tried gardening in Northern New Mexico and gave up when I realized what an “impossible” task it would be. If you know what you’re doing…

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A New Beginning ~ Returning to My Reiki/Shamanic Practice – Limited Time Offer for Existing Clients and New Clients

Just a reminder for those who would like to take advantage of the savings that remain till the end of July for Energy Services/Sessions. Once August rolls around, my rates will be increasing. You just have to pay prior to August first to receive the lower rates. Either of these practices work well with animals and people. Consider one with your animal companion. Much love, Dawn

Deer Heart Reiki Blog

Gentle Deer Gentle Deer

Last year around this time, I suspended my energy practice to focus on my own healing work within. I want to thank all my existing clients for your love, good vibes, patience and understanding during this time. This year has brought me through some profound changes. It was a time of introspection, quiet, solitude, reflection, rest and slowing down. A time of listening to my inner self, and giving my physical body and light body the attention that it was asking, well actually demanding. 🙂 I’m returning more in touch with myself, my inner voice and knowing. I have a greater appreciation of my gifts and talents including my intuition. I trust myself more, and I have increased clarity. Due to this transformation that I have undergone, I will be transforming my healing practice as of the beginning of August 1st, I will share with you what exactly…

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Tom Lescher – Astrology Forecast For July 23th – 23 July 2014

Kaypacha (Tom Lescher) shares the ideas of letting go of our ancient ancestral heritages in place of claiming our spiritual heritage, which includes embrace who we are, and what is in our heart. I really enjoyed this one because he talks about a number of concepts that are all relevant right at this time. Thank you Lucas 2012infos for sharing this post with us.

Lucas 2012 Infos

Uploaded on 23 July 2014  by Tom Lescher When I show my truth, Without giving a reason, I get in touch with the part of my heart, That’s not bound by time, space, or season. Welcome to the New Moon in Leo! Time to get out there and show your bad self haha! What with the square to Mars and the Venu, Uranus, Pluto “T square” these are times of recreating ourselves anew, intuitively, lovingly, and joyfully. To that we have some old programming that needs to go. Free yourself from the past and a brighter future awaits……injoy……Kaypacha  Please join me in the “Healing Ancestral Karma” global Sadhana but copy/pasting this whole address! http://www.spiritvoyage.com/globalsad… Music by http://www.michellequreshi.com/

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Doreen Virtue ~ Angel Messages for July 21-27, 2014

sharing….intense week in play, insightful reading from Doreen Virtue. Thank you for posting Laura Bruno!

Laura Bruno's Blog

An empowering message from Doreen and her Indigo Oracle Cards. This one speaks to many of the conversations I’ve had lately with clients. (I’m not sure what’s up with the bowing gingerbread man towards the end, but the message itself is definitely worth a listen!) 🙂

“It’s an intense week, where you’re focused upon being on your Divine life mission, and doing your part for Peace on Earth. You are called to open your heart, have confidence in your abilities, and unleash your full healing abilities upon everyone, everywhere. Don’t be afraid of your power, which comes straight from God. Love and appreciate yourself and your spiritual gifts, which are much-needed right now.” ~Doreen Virtue

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Truly Inspiring!

Could help but share, definitely INSPIRING!

Laura Bruno's Blog

This is for anyone who believes in limitations and the words “I can’t.” Chris can’t swim, but look at all he can do. What an inspiration he is as he celebrates life and creates new life! Via Matt Monarch:

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Whole Foods Now Selling Rabbit Meat?

i had to share this, i hope you read it and feel prompted to sign the petition at least. much love to Tania for this post.

Tania Marie

I had no intention of posting again until I return, but this really is part of my calling to share. And it’s very odd, as I also didn’t share about a third dream where Nestor (my departed rabbit companion in this life) came to me AGAIN last night.

I was just talking to my mom and shared the dream with her. I said this is the third time she shows up and this time she came in as herself (well herself in this life that we shared). The first two times she came as a dolphin and a lioness. This time she was the gray bunny that I knew, but unlike the other two dreams I had, the interaction we shared was different and her presence and demeanor was solemn and stoic.

I think I know why now, as my telling my mom the dream prompted her to tell me…

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A New Beginning ~ Returning to My Reiki/Shamanic Practice – Limited Time Offer for Existing Clients and New Clients

Gentle Deer

Gentle Deer

Last year around this time, I suspended my energy practice to focus on my own healing work within. I want to thank all my existing clients for your love, good vibes, patience and understanding during this time. This year has brought me through some profound changes. It was a time of introspection, quiet, solitude, reflection, rest and slowing down. A time of listening to my inner self, and giving my physical body and light body the attention that it was asking, well actually demanding. 🙂 I’m returning more in touch with myself, my inner voice and knowing. I have a greater appreciation of my gifts and talents including my intuition. I trust myself more, and I have increased clarity. Due to this transformation that I have undergone, I will be transforming my healing practice as of the beginning of August 1st, I will share with you what exactly that is and how it will look at a later date. I’m so excited about it….I can’t wait to share it with you.

Until then, I would like to offer to you long distance services at my existing rates. These rates will be increasing as of August 1st. I value you and your phenomenal support, so I want to give you this opportunity of booking sessions prior to the increase of session rates. As long as you book and pay for your sessions by the last day of this month, I will honor the old rates, which is a really GOOD deal.

Here is what I am OFFERING through the end of the month. As a reminder for those who may be new my practice embraces humans and animals. If you would like to bundle any combination of these services to five sessions, I will offer 10% off the total price. If you are located in the Sedona, Az area, we can make an appointment for in person sessions, otherwise it will be long distance sessions. Both are equally effective.

1 hr. session in person or distant, complete Reiki treatment with hand positions    $65.00

Reiki Healing Attunement –  15-20 minutes in length, in person or distant,  powerful tool to remove energetic blocks  $75.00

Animal Reiki Sessions
20 minute long distance Reiki Session – $50.00

Animal Communication Session
1/2 hour for $25.00

Shamanic Sessions
Chakra Clearing & Balancing (Illumination) $75.00

Extraction of Crystallized and/or
Fluid Energies from the LEF
(Luminous Energy Field) $75.00

Reiki is so incredibly powerful yet so gentle at the same time. If you don’t know what Reiki is, please go to this link on my website for an explanation of what it is and does. Reiki works equally well on animals, in fact most animals love Reiki. Animals are so open and they enjoy the feel of the flow of energy. Link to What Is Reiki https://reikidawn.wordpress.com/what-is-reiki/

I also offer animal communication sessions. I can connect with your animal companion, check in with them whatever your concerns may be. I can connect with those that are here and I can connect with those that have passed over.

Finally, the Shamanic sessions. These sessions are all about removing the heavy energy “hucha” and emotional energy imprints that have not processed naturally within the light body that affects your physical well-being. It aids in the healthy flow of energy that is naturally within the body when it is not inhibited by these hucha energies and imprints.

Feel free to contact me at 435-647-6343, or dawnvierra7@gmail.com if you have any questions. All payments are accepted through PayPal. Much Love and Thank you again. I’m thrilled to be back!

Sophia Love ~ Owning Freedom

This was a must share, this is the topic and exploration of now. Thank you Laura, Lucas and Sophia Love.

Laura Bruno's Blog

This post by Sophia Love asks important questions about what life looks like in a state of freedom. This theme recurs so often in private sessions that I wanted to put this out here for the larger public. These are questions to ask yourself when you say you want a change. Use that brilliant imagination of yours so that you can feel your way into a new timeline and experience. If you have no idea what freedom looks or feels like, then how will you recognize it when it starts to appear in your reality? As Sophia says, this will be a gradual process, but why not begin in the ever present Now?

Sophia Love ~Owning Freedom

via Lucas

We sense now a freedom because there is this energy of release that is blowing, a pre-cursor to this letting go of the iron grip held by the “controllers”.


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Alchemy of Infinite Love Mandala – Sacred Tattoo Design

I love sharing these posts of Tania Marie’s sacred tattoo designs from her blog. There is so much beauty, intuiting and co-creation involved with her and each of her clients in designing these personal powerful spiritual and meaningful representations. Enjoy!

Tania Marie

Sacred Tattoo DesignThis newest sacred tattoo design was a process of creating a personal Mandala that would act as a portal opening to the energy and things my client shared that were important to him and that he wanted captured in the essence of the design. It was an immediate intuitive feeling that this was to come forth as a Mandala, as that felt most aligned with the nature of the energy and my client. It’s always fun when something hits me right away and I can’t see anything else but that vision.

The Mandala came through in the abstract immediately, and then it was simply a process of allowing it to merge and weave together into the perfect reflection. I ask for the guidance and trusted the process and it just immediately came in seamless steps.

This sacred design is the essence of the Heart Chakra, with the Heart Chakra Sanskrit…

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Come and Stay at Bealtaine Cottage!

this is a magikal place……reblogged from Laura Bruno’s post


For all those readers who’ve longed to visit a place like Bealtaine Cottage, now you can visit the actual Bealtaine Cottage to experience Ireland and the permaculture lifestyle. Sounds like a lovely learning opportunity and getaway!

Originally posted on Bealtaine Cottage:”

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

10 July 2014 044I have recently come to understand the need for having a small safety net in terms of financial needs…small things like car tax, car repairs, insurance and even, at some point in the near future, a new roof on Bealtaine Cottage!

permaculture @ bealtainecottage.com 001As a way of raising much needed funds…

bealtainecottage.com (9)I would like to offer all who follow Bealtaine Cottage an opportunity to come and experience this sacred space for yourself!

June 2014 permaculture@bealtainecottage.com 021You are invited to come and stay, experiencing the full permaculture lifestyle for a short visit or even longer!

permaculture at Bealtaine CottageThis part of Ireland is steeped in ancient history, with magical stone circles, portal tombs, crannogs and lots more to captivate and transport the visitor to a timeless place.

28 June 2014 004For more details and to book your special stay here at Bealtaine Cottage…all year round, contact Colette at coletteoneill2010@hotmail.com

bealtainecottage.com permaculture (18)I can accommodate up to four visitors and also provide lunches and evening meals, all vegan…

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