Where Innocence and Joy Reside

Archive for May, 2016

How does a life change?

Very good post by Jon Rappaport

The Watchers

The Magick that exists is all around and within. Here’s some Bealtaine Cottage Magick and prose courtesy of dear Collette

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland


Here in the study the light is low as the day fades into the west.  

DSC00106Ten O’Clock rings out as I take up my camera and head out into the warm evening.

DSC00107I have enjoyed visitors for much of the day, so stepping out into the evening allows me time to be quiet and absorb the ending of the day. 

DSC00108“Be calm…calm as a calm lagoon, then you will look beautiful as a beautiful calm lagoon crowned by the Moon and sheltered by the brilliance of the stars reclaiming your royalty of regal life…”
Oksana Rus 

DSC00109The light lends an ethereal touch to everything. 

DSC00110“When one tunes in into nature’s frequency, life becomes change, change becomes hope!”
Aniekee Tochukwu 

DSC00111The birds continue to fly to and fro their nestlings in a frenzy to keep them fed.

DSC00112Fortunately, Bealtaine Cottage can now support dozens of pairs…

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Love’s Eternal & Healing Bond

Tender and priceless love

Tania Marie

20160520_074349I’m so grateful these two have each other to see them through rough times and to cherish during all times.

After having seen Cosmo through his recent challenges, Joy has her own to face right now, and it’s such a gift to see them balance that support between them, which helps mom too.

Having two elder bunnies: Cosmo 10 and Joy 12, these are precious moments that remind me of what’s truly important and of love’s eternal beingness.

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Free Thought Project 5-25-16… “Anonymous Hits New York Stock Exchange, World Bank, The Fed, & Vatican — Total Media Blackout”

Find this interesting.

Inelia Benz ~Symptoms of Timeline Jumping: Oh boy it’s timeline bazaar

Sharing. I am very aware of timeline jumping and parallel timelines. I’ve been playing in them back and forth over the past year. Not aware at those moments what was happening. Thinking I was possibly losing my mind. But understanding it’s real. I made a huge timeline jump at the end of April. I’m experiencing a number of the symptoms. It is fascinating. To learn about. Enjoy and thank you Laura and Inelia

Laura Bruno's Blog

I had to smile when I read this recent post by Inelia, since I felt led to offer a Timeline Tune-In and Tune-Up special during May 2016. It seems I’m not the only one noticing all the fluidity and possibilities right now. Inelia goes into detail about some of the physical effects of making unprepared (or even consciously chosen) timeline leaps, and I find that the more consciously prepared and intentional the shift, the gentler the body changes.

As the densest aspects of ourselves, our bodies tend to prefer slower, less radical transitions, but sometimes the body requires a very quick timeline jump in order to recover from a disabling disease or life threatening injury. Sometimes the soul wants out of a situation so badly and for so long that the fastest and easiest route from here to there involves some seriously non-linear action.

In any case, I…

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The Simplicity of the Morning

It’s a beautiful and unique morning a day full of blessings and opportunities not only at Bealtaine Cottage but everywhere. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland


“Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself.”
Henry David Thoreau 

DSC00013Half light and shadows as the morning comes into view.

DSC00012Reflections and sunlight as the day rises.

DSC00011The silent beauty of the morning is a template for us all to follow into day…quiet simplicity.

DSC00010Gazing around the cottage as I follow through on early morning rituals.

DSC00009Checking where Sammy-Bear spent the night, opening the door for Jack to go out…

DSC00008Lighting the stove to boil the kettle…

DSC00006Looking for where I put my camera last evening, for I should record this ethereal beauty of the early morning…

DSC00005Finally, making my pot of coffee and stepping out to embrace the day…

DSC00004The morning, the blessed morning…where all is possible.

DSC00003May the Goddess of the morning touch your heart with delight.

DSC00002May you be released into…

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Evening in an Irish Cottage…

Sharing the layers of beauty from Collette and Bealtaine Cottage.

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland


The sun has set into the west, far out on the Atlantic Ocean and the night draws in.

DSC09709The candle is lit in the kitchen window, a soft light to welcome the night, while on the far side of the room a small lamp illuminates the dark. 

DSC09712“I love to watch the fine mist of the night come on,
The windows and the stars illumined, one by one,
The rivers of dark smoke pour upward lazily,
And the moon rise and turn them silver. I shall see
The springs, the summers, and the autumns slowly pass;
And when old Winter puts his blank face to the glass,
I shall close all my shutters, pull the curtains tight,
And build me stately palaces by candlelight.”
Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal 

DSC09711The Blackbird has sung out the day and in the night, as it flies around it’s territory…

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HealthCarePublic.info 5-10-16… “CDC forced to release documents showing they knew vaccine preservative causes autism”


Dandelion Root Extract Found To Kill Leukemia Cells, Prostate Cancer Cells & Chemo-Resistant Melanoma



Dandelion root
Source: NaturalNews.com
Isabelle Z.
May 17, 2016

They might not be welcome in your yard, but it turns out that dandelions have tremendous potential when it comes to helping people who are suffering from cancer.

Chemo-resistant melanoma is now the most common type of cancer affecting Americans aged 25 to 29. The only option doctors can presently offer these patients is surgery to remove the tumor and its surroundings, followed by immunotherapy, which does not usually work when the melanoma has metastasized.

However, all that looks set to change, thanks to a humble plant that many people pull out of their gardens and throw away. At the University of Windsor in Ontario, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has shown that dandelion root extract can cause human melanoma cells to essentially kill themselves without leading to any type of toxicity. In fact, their initial study saw cancer cells disintegrating within…

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The Dance of Natural Cycles ~ Cosmo’s Celebration, Teachings & Update

Happy Birthday precious Cosmo. You are so dear. Java and I send our love to you and your mommie as well as the rest of the family

Tania Marie

GAM_9185 web

Today being Cosmo’s 10th birthday, I couldn’t not share a blog post update, as I honor and love him so much and his sacred male energy he embodies. It’s amazing how much he mirrors me, right down to having a #3 life path like mom and although he’s in a #4 year starting today and I’m in a #1 year, his being 10 years old mirrors a new cycle and beginning along with mom yet again.

We just celebrated this morning with a turmeric filled raspberry as a birthday cake, of which Joy received her own raspberry to share in the yum.

This is his second birthday we’ve had the opportunity to celebrate with him and already nearing on one and a half years soon of his being a part of the family.

So many blessings he has brought since the first day of his arrival.

I’m grateful for all…

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