Where Innocence and Joy Reside

Archive for October, 2016


A Strange, Synchronous Samhain Sojourn

Sure enjoyed Laura’s post. Sharing the fun , info and synchronicites oxox

Vicki Batts, Natural News 10-27-16… “Nestle to launch new non-GMO products … How shocked will Monsanto be?”


Evening in an Irish Cottage

Sharing the inviting coziness the Collette has created.

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland



Twenty one photographs and some interesting reflections over at


You can subscribe to Bealtaine Cottage Good life on this link…



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The Goddess in the Well

Happy birthday Collette This is such a lovely and meaningful share. The ring is immensely powerful. The blessing felt so right as you described it.

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland


Yesterday was a special day for me!

The beautiful, ethereal mountain that is Ben Bulben will give you a clue…

DSC09886I travelled to Sligo, passing along the shores of Lough Gill, to collect a very special ring, that was made for me by gifted Silversmith, Mirjam Schiller at 



My daughter, Cara, was driving, so we stopped by the shores of the Lough, made famous by W.B.Yeats in his poetry.

DSC09883DSC09884Birthdays come and go and I have enjoyed sixty of them, all in the month of October, near Samhain…so this, along with a second ring as yet unfinished, marked my sixty Summers on this precious, beautiful Earth.

DSC09885DSC09888I had deliberated for some time over what I should spend my birthday money on…have always loved silver and, very importantly, dearly wanted to place a much maligned symbol of the Goddess where I would always see it! 


The story of the snakes…

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Chaos, Creativity and Pandora’s Real Box

Sharing. Chaos amidst change as our friend and catalyst. Love this perspective and the power and creative juices it can embody and empower

Sophia's Children

Pandora's Box, 1871, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. PD image courtesy of Wikimedia. Pandora’s Box, 1871, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. PD image courtesy of Wikimedia.

“If everything is uncertain, then the future is open to human creativity, to possibility and therefore to a better world.” ~ Immanuel Wallerstein

We don’t normally see chaos as an ally,because it seems so, well, chaotic. Uncertain. It feels uncomfortable and thus unfriendly.

It freaks us outwhen ‘real life’ starts going all Salvador Dali on us and melting and shapeshifting whether we want it to or not (and often, we don’t, even if we sort of do).

Part of the problem is that we’ve been taught that change is bad — that we’re supposed to create things that have ‘staying power’ and just keep on growing and expanding endlessly in the form that we envision.

The 1897 painting of fighting "Laelaps" (now Dryptosaurus) by Charles R. Knight. PD-US, Wikimedia. The 1897 painting of fighting “Laelaps” (now Dryptosaurus) by Charles R. Knight. PD-US, Wikimedia.

When things start changing, the dear, sweet

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Bombshell: CDC commits new vaccine-autism crime

I would not believe anything CDC says or does

Globalism: the monster in the Presidential campaign

Not a fan of Trump nor Clinton. Definitely not a fan of globalism as it is defined now in the form of TPT or similar types of stuff

Charles Eisenstein ~ The Lid is Off

This resonates deeply with me as I have been contemplating how this campaign has represented much of our collective conscious and unconscious. Are we willing to see what is being revealed to us and do the work. Or is it easier to deny and point fingers saying this isn’t me or I am better than this, I’m not like them. Thanks so much Laura

Laura Bruno's Blog

This is the best article I’ve read about the election and various revelations happening, particularly in the U.S., and how that all relates to us on a personal and collective level. This piece illustrates what I tell so many clients: Earth herself is in an integration phase, and this directly relates to human evolution. Thanks to Bo of Orgonia for sending this piece my way.

Here’s a little excerpt, followed by a link to the full, excellent article:

Charles Eisenstein ~ The Lid is Off

It is getting harder to keep a secret these days. The collective shadow of our society, once safely relegated to the dark basement of the unmentionable, is now exposed to daylight, forcing us to face our contradictions. I’ll offer three examples: Donald Trump’s leaked recordings, Hillary Clinton’s emails and Wall Street speeches, and the endless procession of videos of police brutality.

Once upon a time…

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Why Save Seed?

The importance of seed saving Thank you for all you do Collette

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland


All seed-saving at Bealtaine Cottage helps to preserve heirloom seeds’ genetic diversity!

This is Bealtaine Cottage Lunaria.

dsc07184This seed has adapted over twelve years to grow in difficult conditions, for as you know, it rains frequently here and the gardens are all on a north-facing slope.

harvesting seed at Bealtaine CottageThis is why the seed saved here, year after year, is more resilient than commercial seed, which is grown in ideal conditions for the maximum production value!

Foxglove seed Saving seed also makes one value the pollinators, especially the Bees…for without their incredible work there would not be any seed to collect! 

Lunaria seeds drying on the veranda of the LodgeDuring the 1900’s we experienced a startling drop in the number of heirloom varieties—because gardeners stopped saving and trading their own seeds.

Bealtaine Cottage SeedsHere at Bealtaine Cottage I have developed a seed bank over twelve years, adding more and more seed year on year, as the biodiversity increased similarly throughout the gardens. 

growing seeds at BealtaineWhen we rely…

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The Celtic Roots of Samhain

Sharing this beauty from. Collette

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

www.bealtainecottage.com 001The bright red of the Ruby Chard will add colour to the Samhain feast!

In Celtic Ireland, Samhain marked  the division of the year between the light (summer) and the dark (winter).

www.bealtainecottage.com 054For me, the customs of my ancestors are important to acknowledge and continue.

This time of tuning into the seasonal shift and preparing for the darkness of the winter months ahead, is important.

Even today, as I stacked these logs in the shelter of the veranda, I couldn’t help but think about Samhain and its meaning as a custom and special tradition.

www.bealtainecottage.com 012The Hill of Tara was associated with Samhain in Celtic Ireland, even though it pre-dates the arrival of the Celts themselves!

www.bealtainecottage.com 019The passage to the Mound of the Hostages on the Hill of Tara, constructed some 4,500 to 5,000 years ago, forms the entrance and is aligned with the rising sun around Samhain.

This was constructed…

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