Where Innocence and Joy Reside

Letter From Christine…

Sharing. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland


I often receive letters and emails from those who have visited Bealtaine Cottage and Gardens.

DSC02042I treasure them as the words therein inspire me to keep on this busy path of sharing Bealtaine and caring for the Earth.

DSC02041This evening I have taken more photographs to share with you, as I share the words penned by Christine, who visited Bealtaine some days ago.

DSC02040Thank you dear Colette for the wonderful time with you in Bealtaine Cottage yesterday.

DSC02039We felt so nourished and inspired, your inspirational company, wise words and delightful home so full of beauty, vitality, and a healing presence. 
DSC02038Almost like a dream for me waking this morning and feeling – wow – I was actually sitting with you yesterday in your garden, stroking Jack, enjoying our conversation, my eyes feasting on the plants, flowers and trees, the sounds of the light rain, the chimes, the birds and your soothing…

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